Yeshiva High-lites |
A weekly newsletter of Yeshiva High School of Boca
Raton Erev Shabbat Parshat Kedoshim / Friday,
May 2, 2003 |
From the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
As senior Uri Turk said on Thursday in his final "Israel Update",
we're in the midst of a powerful week of Yom Hashoa, Yom
HaZikaron and Yom Haatzmaut, which began with the memorable
program depicted below.
It's your last chance to honor the the Adlers, the Jacobs
and Rabbi Horowitz and support the school at the same time by clicking here to e-mail a last
minute journal ad. Please indicate the price of the ad (see the ad
blank link at the right).
I hope to see you this Sunday at the Israel Fest 55 on
Sunday at the Siemens Campus of the Jewish Federation of South Palm
Beach County (see link at right).
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Hashoa at YHS |
The students entered the dark room as names of
young children and their ages when murdered were read.
Accompanied by a power point slide show, individual
students sitting throughout the dark room stood up and traced
the history of the holocaust.
Then every student lit a candle (pictured at
left) in memory of the 6 million.
A survivor shared a vivid description of her remarkable
seven months as a teenager at Auschwitz, her death
march back to Germany and here final days of captivity at
Afterwards, the students watched a powerful
video to the Mordechai Ben David song Memories. The
program ended with a moving keil maleh read by survivor
Chazan Lazer Wax.
Week in Review |
two locations on the Sunday before Pesach our students had
fun, did chesed, and enabled others to observe Pesach when
they ran a Car Wash to benefit JARC, the agency of our
federation that services developmentally-disabled Jews in our
community (who joined the car wash in Boca in the bottom
photo). See the letter from JARC below.
The tennis season came to a close before Pesach
vacation. Both our girls team (7-6) and our individual
girls had winning records this season. Two of our three
girls doubles teams had winning records. Though the boys
always have next year, it is worth noting that Jordy Lieber
who started the year in the # 3 position, moved up to the #2
slot and had a winning 6-5 singles season.
On Tuesday afternoon, the students had an assembly about
security with YHS' Israeli security coordinators.
Half of our junior class is presently participating in
the March of the Living. Check out
www.motl.org/virtualMarches/virtualMarches_SR2003.ht m for
photoes and messages posted daily by March participants. The
junior boys "Back in the USA" are having a great time at water
sports with Rabbi Horowitz in Key West, and the junior
girls are having a ball with Mrs. Kanner at a Broadway Show,
shiur by Rav Goldwicht and sightseeing and kosher restaurants
in New York.
The seniors were measured for caps and gowns and had
special sendoffs Thursday night and Friday morning during the
last week of regular senior classes. The schedules of
their AP exams and finals (and all the final exams) are
available at right.
Click here for thank you letter from JARC »
Next Week at YHS |
this Monday evening at 7:00 PM there will be a workshop for
parents on Reducing Your Child's Stress at the school.
Student committees have been hard at work planning programs
with Rabbi Spodek for Yom Hazikaron and Yom Haatzmaut.
Special speakers include a former Israeli POW and Rabbi Chanan
Schlesinger (father of former YHS student Netanel) who will be
in town from Alon Shvut.
Rabbi Spodek's BS Chumash class will be going, after a
barbeque at his home wednesday after school, to a Marlins
vs. Giants baseball game. The bus will drop off students
at the synagogues in North Miami Beach, Hollywood and Boca.
The artwork of four YHS students will be displayed on
Friday at UNISA, located at 313 A Worth Avenue in Palm Beach.
Kudos to art instructor Dora Hishmeh for arrangiung for our
participation in the Worth Avenue Association "Young at
Art" Event.
Click here for STRESS REDUCTION flyer
Home Stretch |
For the first time in YHS history, Student Council
Nominations and Elections will take place in the Spring to
enable the Student Council to plan programs over the summer.
The Anti Defamation League of Bnai Brith will be
running a timely program about Confronting Anti-
Semitism for our sophomore class.
Our annual dinner will take place on Sunday, May 18
at the Boca Raton Synagogue.
Plans for our Lag B'Omer Sports and Chesed Outing
are in full swing.
Save the date of Tuesday, May 27, 7:00 PM, for our drama
society's production of the hilarious Neil Simon comedy
"Fools" at the historic Crest Theatre in downtown Delray
Details about our Yom Yerushalayim program on
May 28th with Yeshiva University Rosh Yeshiva Rav Meyer
Goldwicht will be forthcoming next week.
Click for Graduation Info »
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25% of
Junior Class Earns Places in National
Merit |
Nine out of our thirty nine juniors were
amongst the top 50,000 out of the 1,000,000 juniors who
took the PSAT exam this past fall. These students will compete
for prestigious semi-finalist and finalist National Merit
Scholarships. Mazel tov to the students who received letters
this week.
Click here for letter from National Merit
Program |
yhsoffice@juno.com voice:
561.417.7422 web: http://www.yeshivahighschool.com
Brander, Founder Rabbi Perry
Tirschwell, Principal Shimmie
Kaminetsky, Executive Director Mrs. Pamela
Turk, President Mrs. Ora Lee
Kanner, Mrs. Jessica Schultz, Assistant
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